Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whitney Elementary

Prevention of human trafficking is just as important as providing end services for victims. My father recently sent me a video, sharing the story of principal Sherrie Gahn, of Whitney Elementary in east Las Vegas. She discovered that close to 85 percent of her students were homeless. Some of the children were stealing ketchup packets to get them through the weekend. This was unacceptable to her and she has since started a food pantry to ensure that no child at her school ever goes hungry. She steps even further:

"I told the parents that I would give them whatever they need," Gahn says. "All I need them to do is give me their children and let me teach them. In turn, I will give you food and clothes and we will take them to the eye doctor. I will pay your rent, pay your utilities, but keep your child here."  

As a result, attendance has increased, test scores have doubled and most importantly, the children and their families have hope. She tells all her students "get through junior high, get through high school and if you don't have money for college, come back and see me and I will make sure you can go to college." Principal Gahn may not even realize it but she is preventing human trafficking. She is providing her students with accomplishment, self-esteem, and a safe place, which all help to decrease their future vulnerability. Her generous heart is inspiring.  

Click here for the full story. 

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